A Public Conversation

It was a busy week for Plug. as we kicked off our primary research efforts for Spot.Us. Site observations, surveys, interviews and focus groups have officially finally gotten underway after we spent a few weeks determining where our client is and what we need to know to get them where they want to go.

In determining the type of primary research data we wanted to collect, our team made the exciting decision to attempt a very unique kind of focus group.

Next Monday on the 28th of February we will hold a real-time focus group over Twitter! Starting at 9:30pm CT we will begin tweeting questions from @Plug_MU regarding the public’s feelings toward nonprofit news. We will also be focusing on brands or sponsors that interest Spot.Us followers and who they would want to see playing a role in turning the site into a sustainable business model.

Why did we decide to use Twitter? From politics and national news to brands and organizations, Twitter has become a database of the community’s real-time opinions. The development of social media has created a shift in society’s preferences for engaging with others and expressing themselves. In this day and age, companies need to understand that the key to success can be found in the creation of dialogue and interaction with the community. Today, the public would rather be talked with than talked at, as has been the case with traditional advertising methods.

In the last weeks, Plug. has decided to expand our Twitter presence and give this community conversation a try with our real-time focus group. We want to gain valuable feedback from the community and tap into the wealth of information that is so readily available through Twitter.

If you would like to join our focus group on Monday, follow @Plug_MU and tweet back with your answers to our questions and the hashtag #spotfocus. Plug. can’t wait to see you there!

Follow @Plug_MU at http://twitter.com/#!/Plug_MU

For more info about Spot.Us, check out the site at http://spot.us/

For more info about our twitter-based focus group, please visit http://on.fb.me/guXtRm

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